You should have this poster available in the Store.
You should have this poster available in the Store.
Very few serious users go along without actually reading just a couple sentences of the FAQ. I didn't go through the whole FAQ, but figuring out how to whistle and other stuff took me some time.
Flashwise, something like this isn't hard at all to imitate or make better. Just stopping frames and buttons. You also screwed up with the stage size. Did you change the stage size last minute, or were you unaware that everything was bigger than the stage? Anyway, better than your average work. I give a five.
No the stage was suppose to be normal.
I've been playing at least 150 hours of Paper Mario through my days and I must have gotten it wrong around seven times. So, I beat it and the Luigi quiz. These questions are clever. Just remember for future quizes, make it more understandable that it's a checkpoint when you come back to a certain point.
i'll work on that next time (sunshine quiz)
This was very helpful. Not only does it help you actually make guns, but tells how they work and shoot. I just finished making a Colt .45. It's not as great as the one in this tutorial, but it's one of my actually good creations.
What I wish you would do is tell how the gun reloads. Like the Colt .45. Does it reload like a 9mm handgun? Or do you put the rounds through the slot that opens when the gun is out of ammo? Also, you should've explained more about how shotguns work, shoot, and reload. There's lots of shotguns, like the pump-action, automatic, sawn-off, and others not even in any categories.
I love this game
The best part is the combat system and leveling system. Your character can be fast, strong, or great at spells. It's all up to you. Pleas make more games in the future.
this game deserves a score over 4.30
You've come a long way. Here, have a cookie...your inventory seems to be full. Come back when you can carry more items, I'll hold onto this for you. *Munch* *Crunch*
Age 30, Male
Correctional Facility
Joined on 6/28/07